Monday, January 12, 2009

Ten Reasons You Might be in Montana / and Vermont food writing

I have had two more articles published on Associated Content! Yay!

The first is called "The Top Ten Reasons You Might be in Missoula, Montana, and Five Reasons to Like It" and can be found at:

It's a combination of my opinion on Missoula from both my first and second, radically different, visits there combined.

The second is about a crepe restaurant in Burlington, Vermont called The Skinny Pancake. If you like crepes, indulge your senses in this!

Tell me what you think and be sure to send to any friends in those areas!



Anonymous said...

I love the Missoula article! Especially the part about there being no humidity - definitely a plus in my book!

Anna's Spot said...

Hi Kate,

I like the way you wrote both articles. I recommended them both. I hope you are doing well.