I am feeling very frazzled.... Just been a very what do you call it, hard to think, hard to focus, icky day. And it's been raining all day. ALLL DAY. Gotta love Oregon for that.
Well... let's see. Made potatoes tonight. Mmmm they were good. I love those potatoes. Man. The olive oil and spices are just so good. We got a 5 lb bag of yukon gold potatoes for $5. Mmm. So I made eight of them tonight, and cut them into half. And gave my rm half and she said that it was good to have something hot when she walked in the door, as they were ready right, I mean, the MINUTE she walked in the door, is when they were ready. And I made tons. So it made me happy to make her happy. She thanked me for them several times.
Dang, my RM just said that we might lose power cus of the high winds, that would really suck, I hope we don't.
Man I feel disoriented. Anyway. I had some Omega candies. Gummies. I always wondered what they would taste like. RM brought some samples home for me from the health food store. :) I like them. My Attune bars are coming Friday. We were going to get them from HF store at a third of the price (I know such savings!) but as I half expected they were not able to order them. I cannot BELIEVE they charge $14 a box on their website and stores only charge 10, and with my RM's discount could have gotten them for far less, but I am addicted so I decided to pony up the extra money....Getting tired of eating nothing but fruit and chicken, with the occasional salad, potatoes and fish thrown in :). Need a good snack food though. Lo and behold they were shipped today so I should get them by Friday.
I did something today I haven't been able to do in a year. I am not sure how I feel about it, though, so I am not sure if I will write about it until I am more able to handle the emotionalness of it. I feel a lot of regret that I haven't been (physically) able to do it because of MCS, and also regret that even though I was able to do it today , that the experience wasn't as enjoyable as it used to be. But, it did kill 2 hours and give me something to talk about when RM came home, so that was something.
Had a great conversation with RM tonight. Love her so much. Just got into an easy discussion about chronic fatigue syndrome, somehow leading to the subject of friendships and the quality of friendships and how to be emotionally close to someone and how to make your life the way you want it and how to overcome obstacles, and so on and so forth for I dont know how long..... I love that about her. She is as comfortable in the realm of emotionally difficult and intense subjects as she is about, well, anything else you could possibly imagine and concieve of....I have never met anyone so emotionally intelligent before.....it makes my heart sing. Meaty subjects, of which are far and beyond my favorite thing to discuss, and she can talk about them like most people talk about the weather forecast - easily and without difficulty. It is so emotionally fulfilling and amazing. There is not a single thing I don't like about her, she amazes me continually. I am however very frustrated with my percieved in ability to enjoy it as much as I would like due to brain fog and disorientation and other related issues, but I said I wouldn't talk abot that as I don't want to get myself all upset. GRR.
Tomorrow I shall try to take pictures with the camera, assuming I am not as out of it was I was today. Haha today was.... Interesting. I wish I had some cookies or something sweet to munch on as that increases my focus and awareness and reduces my stress.... anyone have a Trader Joe's near them and want to send me a care package? :) I haven't been able to find any junk food I can tolerate well except from there.... man.... Talk about frustrating....I haven't lived near a Trader Joe's since college. :) And I don't want to keep asking my grandfather to mail me stuff from there, lol. In Bend, there will be one, though.
I left half a box of their chocolate almond cookies at home, thinking I didn't like them as much as the pretzels which I already ate, and now am craving them. When have I ever deliberately left junk food behind? I must have been out of my mind :)
I have to think of who lives near a Trader Joe's that I can bug to send me stuff.... maybe my friend A....if she can get into Philly to get them, which is a big if.
Pretty bad when you start to classify everyone you know by if they live near a Trader Joe's or not, lol. My brother does, but don't want to ask him. They dont do mail order....they should lol.
Anyway.....I am going to go find something else to do online for a bit.... then go to bed. I should get out of bed earlier tomorrow.... maybe. I have to make chicken and eggs, and maybe call a business of whom I am not looking forward to. And other stuff I can't remeber.
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1 comment:
Isn't it great to be able to talk about REAL stuff? It's one of the things I love most about my husband. We can talk about anything. And even though sometimes it's hard to take in, because of the sensory issues, it still leaves me with a good feeling.
So glad you are having these experiences! You are definitely in the right place at the right time.
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