Haha, isn't that a funny title? And frogs too. I love the sound of frogs ribetting.
Ribbet! Ribbet!
Okay, tell me why people are not impressed by llamas? Not here but people online I talk to don't seem to be impressed by a llama. If you can't be impressed by a llama, what can you be impressed by? :)
So, I went into Newport today .... Siletz is so beautiful I thought I'd have no real need to go into Newport but wow..... wow.....wow.
The downtown is cute and touristy with lots of colorful looking shops and lots of clam shacks and a fish market right in the middle, and that was interesting enough, but keep going down that road and./....I just can't do this justice without pictures!!! Frustrating. I can't think of the words. I've been having trouble actually thinking of words lately .... feel brain fogged from flight or something....I don't know. But whatever. It's, how do you say it? It's like the rest of the world dissapeared and was swallowed up by beach. The road above the beach, it's like on a bluff l don't what you call it, a cliff but not as high as the cliffs in California were and not rocky, but a road overlooking it. And it looks like - it looks completely unreal. It looks like a watercolor painting of an ocean. The waves actually look still - it's big enough that it's like someone took a huge canvas and painted blue ocean and white waves, and did it over and over and over again until it was all you could see. It did NOT look real. The beach and the ocean were about 100 times bigger than any beach I've ever seen in Maine. When you got close to it you could see the waves moving but it looked unreal until then. It was quite something. That they have a beach right downtown, and not just a beach but like the biggest one I've ever seen, is pretty amazing, Portland doesn't. There's 2 shopping districts next to each other I guess and then a place called South Beach we didn't go to. Pretty amazing overall.
I wasn't feeling so well today and debated about whether to go or not, but I'm glad I did. I sat in the car for about 90 minutes talking on the phone - a bit of a treat since there's no cell phone reception here and I haven't really wanted to deal with the regular phone - but mostly because I wasn't much up for walking, but then I started to feel a little better and realized I could see the ocean from the parking lot where I was waiting for my friend to be done with her appts, and so decided to walk down to it. And WOW, am I glad I did. Didn't have much time there as it was late by the time I decided to, but hopefully I will be able to go back and enjoy it Friday or Saturday.
Haha, got lost walking back, for a little bit, thought it was the street by the Whaler or Whalen Hotel I think, and I'm pretty sure it was, except I went all the way up it without remembering which street to turn off to get back to the office. So I asked a little old lady and a washed out hippie smoking a cigarette (something I would usually avoid) for directions. It took the two of them to figure out how to get back, lol. I couldn't remember where the office where we were parked was or what it was called but I remembered the community college was next to it so I just asked directions to there. Oh yea and at one point I even asked directions from a ten year old or so boy even though we all know that is not usually the most fruitful of endeavors; there wasn't a lot of people on the street and I was trying to get back to the car by 4:15 so I wouldn't be late.... so I got more bolder in my direction asking, lol.
It was only 5 minutes away, you just needed to know what street to go on. Anyway, cool adventure.
Really enjoying talking to my new roommate and having lots of great conversations with her.
Went into Oceana, the health food store, today, but I reacted to it (chemical sensitivity) so oh well. Hell, everything is so beautiful, who needs stores anyway? They'd be nice but are certainly not necessary. It was very similar, in size, layout, and level of reactivity, to the health food store in Darmascotta. I always like to compare things to what I already know :)
I can't wait to take pictures. I hope I feel well enough to take a walk tomorrow. That would be great if I could. And find the path to walk on. And listen to the oldies and country station of which I only got to listen to a little today, but the oldies station seemed to be playing 60s, so that was great.
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Hey Kate, maybe you should look into writing copy for the Chamber of Commerce or tourism commission. LOL
Sounds like a great day exploring!
Kate, I'm so glad you're enjoying your new roommate. Having someone with whom to have interesting conversations helps so much when you're making changes.
I totally relate about feeling that everything looks so huge and unreal out on the west coast. After growing up in New England, I couldn't believe the vast scale of things in California and Oregon. And I couldn't believe that I could see it for free, just by walking down the road. ;-) When I came back to the east coast, it felt like everything was in miniature.
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