So, I decided I am going to make a website devoted to MCS blogs. It's gonna be an MCS blogroll in effect, kind of like the one at Autism Hub with all the autism blogs. It'll be a community, where everyone can read each other's blog, and comment, and we can all support each other and read about each other's daily lives. There are tons of those for autism but precious few for MCS.
So if you have or know of a good MCS related blog please leave it here!
My favorite one that I lost the link to but someone told me about tonight that had me laughing all night is here:
All I could remember about it was "that funny guy who wrote about MCS and hates Cleveland" and someone found it for me.
That guy is amazing. His blog is funny, instructive, and just plain good reading. Hard to be funny when talking about MCS, but he does it.
Oh yeah, and he hates Cleveland :)
Oh, and knock on wood, the station's been working, and knock on wood, I've heard amazing songs all night.
Now I have to make chicken. Ugh.
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Hi Kate! Thanks for the shout out on my blog. It really made my day to know that you enjoyed it so much!
I have a quick question for you. Did moving to a smaller town help your MCS? I'm going to be doing the same soon, but with MCS, I just sometimes wonder if it will make much of a difference.
I really enjoyed reading your posts, past and present, today. Thanks for the heads-up about your blog site. (I'm one of your fellow E.I. Group cohorts, in other words.) LOL
Um, well it depends on what smaller town you move to. I moved for the MCS safe apt, not for the air quality. I have always lived in places with great air quality (medium sized small cities in rural areas like Maine and Montana).
I do not like the air in Liberty. It is not terrible but it is not great either.
But for me moving was necessary because I could not find a place with tolerable indoor air quality.
And this, well, more or less has it. More than any place I have yet lived.
So, did it help my MCS? Well, I'm still as reactive as I was before, but the difference is I might have a chance of surviving now, whereas I was headed down a very slippery slope before.
I don't know if this answers your question or not.
Tell me, will you be able to work from home in Madison like you seem to be doing in Cleveland?
Since the air bothers you so much in Cleveland I would imagine the better air in Madison will help you a lot. When is the move?
Woah... I have 2 comments? Nifty. Thanks Ciel! How did you find me?
I will add your blog to my list of blogs for when I make my blog list!
And look forward to reading it! Do you know of any others I can add? I have about seven or eight so far but only 3 or 4 are personal diary style which I favor. I might try to make a prelim list later.
Hi Kate,
That is a great idea to make a list of MCS blogs.
Susie Collins of The Canary Report had commented on my blog awhile back and that's how I found her blog.
I have been trying to read as much as I can wherever I can find it... about many conditions.
Thanks to Susie, I found other MCS blogs. (I found you either directly from hers, from something she had mentioned on her blog, or via a commenter on her blog. I honestly can't remember which).
All I know is that if Susie hadn't found my blog then I wouldn’t have found great blogs like yours. (I have since seen one of your blog posts referenced - the one about about haircuts - on Laurie Edwards' blog A Chronic Dose).
Anyway, I have over 60 blogs in my blogroll now and I have been very overwhelmed (!!) trying to read everything I want to read.
There are only so many hours in the day and I have many, many chronic illnesses that I read about and post about.
It's impossible to ever reach a point where I feel "caught up". I just do the best I can. There are not enough hours in the day. At least I'm never, ever bored.
Regarding Lou's question, if I had it to do over, there are 2 things I would look into before moving to a small town again:
1) Whether pesticides are used nearby...
2) Whether the smells from local farms will be tolerable...
When we moved to our current house, the nearby farms used traditional farming methods.
They have since switched to using pesticides. Needless to say I am NOT happy about that. (See my blog for lots of anger about pesticides).
I was not prepared for the smells associated with living in a small town.
Specifically, the "lovely" aromas emanating from farms. It is so much worse during certain times of year than I could have imagined.
It is hard to find a place to live with MCS.
Cities are generally more pollution, suburbs have oodles of people spraying their lawns aiming for "perfection", rural areas have farms with pesticides and such. It is really tough.
Anyway, you have a great idea.
Jeanne :)
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