So, I'm sitting here feeling icky and trying to think and focus.
And I'm pissed because for two days I could get reception to the amazing local country station, which I can't usually. Two heavenous days. Now the static is back. Cannot focus with static.
Do NOT want to change to other station and hear an Xmas song every 10 min. What a dilemma.
Is this what I get for living in a mountainous region? Maybe there's a mountain blocking the reception between the antenna and the house? The station is based IN LIBERTY so it does not make any sense to not get reception. Maybe if I emailed them they would know why. I'm pissed. This station is the ONLY good thing about Liberty. I have heard like two dozen utterly amazing and stunning songs I haven't heard in years in the last month. Or the two weeks I could get reception before I lost it. I will be pissed if lose that. Where can I get a radio that gets better reception?? (And is outgassed and unscented? Haha THAT won't happen.)
Why do they make such crappy radios these days?
Okay, now that I have ranted about that.
My head is all foggy, and my body does not like me.
Things are not good. I need to write though. I said I would and it will make me feel better if I do.
Then I'm going to eat.
Today it is sleeting, raining, freezing rain, not sure if we got any snow. Lots of winter weather going on. Can I mention how weird it is to see ICED UP ROADS IN NOVEMBER. But whatever. It wasn't windy so I could still walk. Wind and rain don't mix well with umbrellas.
I just walked up and down the street several times; it was dark and the weather was too bad to go anywhere else. I walked for about 20 min and went in.
A was in J's apt when I got back. She came out when she saw me. I have not seen her in almost a month since I first got here. So I was happy to see her and talk to her. She was cleaning his apt.
The not so good part was I so happy to see her I forgot to ask her to close the door when we were talking because the smell coming from J's apt was really bothering me. It was really stupid to do because exposing myself to that smell is not good. The smell, we think, is coming from the new plastic pipes from the central vacuum. Which are RIGHT UNDER, like 5 feet under, the freaking huge freaking hole between his apt and mine. Which I saw for the first time today and didn't realize how close to my apt it was and how big it was and am just a bit annoyed he didn't cover it up before I moved it in. He did cover it with plastic and put some insulation in when I asked; which was good; he did his best to help me and I appreciate it. But, it still smells a little. Not nearly as bad as before but it is still there and is most likely what is making me feel so brain dead and ICK at the moment. I don't like that. I don't like having to push through that.
It could also be my sheets which have been bothering me ever since the first time I laid eyes or skin on them. If I could figure out how to get sheets that don't smell and weren't washed in chlorinated water or anything scented (but were washed), I would be a freaking happy woman.
It is actually hard to tell how much that is bothering me is the sheets and blankets, how much is the smell from his apt, and how much is some other factor I am not aware of. I am so annoyed.
But, wait. I wasn't thinking of that, right? So, despite that problem I had a nice conversation with A. Well, I think I did. I was too braindead to process anything she said. I kept thinking "Woah! It's a human! In the flesh! I am talking to a human! This is amazing!" Apparently that took over all other thought processes.
Anyway then she was gonna bring some water up for me so we went into my staircase. Much better altho I was braindead already. But. Yea so she said "Oh, I'll just open your box for you to get my stuff" cus see I have a bit of a phobia of opening packages. There are, or were, like half a dozen packages of various sizes piled up in my staircase. Because I am/was too afraid of what was in them, or more accurately, what what was in them smelled like, to open them. And figured I didn't need most of the stuff in them at this exact moment anyway so would wait. Some packages from home, others from, I don't even remember. A's clothes she had sent me in Montana were in the one from my mom and I had forgot they were so I didn't open it as I did not yet need the other stuff in it. (I will use it eventually though.) Anyway so she helped me a lot by opening all my packages and getting her stuff out; if I had to do it it would have taken me several more days to work up the courage.
While she was there, her phone rang. I swear that has to be the most fortuitous timing of a phone call ever. Because J was calling to say he was at a Trader Joe's in north Jersey waiting to pick up his son at the train station. Those two words are like music to my ears. TRADER. JOE'S. Preceeded by the words "I am at," has to be one of the most lovely sentences in the English language.
(Okay, Whole Foods might have been better. But TJ was pretty good.)
So, Angie and I got to say what we wanted, and if we hadn't run into each other, I wouldn't have been cut into the deal. Since I have been coveting specialty grocery store junk food for a very long time, it was very lucky indeed.
It was a pretty funny scene, though, I have to admit. When he said the word "Trader Joe's," A immediately started thinking and naming all of the organic veggie type things she wanted. I immediately started thinking and naming all of the chocolatey type things I wanted. Our minds both started racing, but in very opposite directions. I thought that was funny.
They did NOT have Odwalla or the probiotic bars I have been wanting. I suppose that is not surprising since TJ usualy only carries their store brand products, but dissapointing nevertheless. (Whole Foods would have had it. Oh well.)
Anyway. I knew exactly what to get, though, because there was a Trader Joe's where I went to school, and I used to love their chocolate covered pretzels. They were legendary. And their chocolate covered blueberries. Which I didn't get often, but I know they were good.
OHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Damn it! I just realized what I forgot. Their chocolate chip cookies! Are the best CC cookies on earth. I was thinking of asking my grandparents to get some and send me them the other day. But I did not remember that until now. Oh well, two out of three ain't bad.
They are all TJ' s brand and are really good.
Anyway. So. Yea I have been thinking of TJ pretzels since Baltimore. So it was great to be able to get them. A friend in CT said she would send me some but now I don't need her to. Although, this would be the perfect time to ask her for the cookies *goes to Facebook * lol
I have not yet had them because there is a very high degree of likelihood that neither item will be nearly as good as I remember it to be, and I don't want to kill the dream....
However I shall have some after I write this.
And I also got, good on me for thinking of this, some organic, natural chicken breasts, which makes me very happy, as they have to taste better than the awful tyson stuff that is available here.
Oh yea. That reminds me. I have to cook tonight. Dang.
I never thought I would be thankful for organic chicken breasts. Or organic anything. Or most foods. I always took it for granted getting high quality tasty food. Ooops.
Yea, so anyway. That was my good thing for today.
A said she may go to health food store in New Paltz sometime in the next three weeks. That I can come. Good. I hope she remembers to tell me. I hope too that I can go in there, but I 'll settle just for the car ride and scenery and having her get stuff if I can't. Be damn nice to see a town besides Liberty.
Which reminds me. Have to email D to see if she will come Wed. I sure hope so.
Ok. I'm hungry now. Time to eat.
This concludes my disjointed attempt at being happy at what I have, lol.
I wonder if the rain is increasing the humidity and making me feel worse.
I suppose it's likely, except I didn't feel this way outside, so, then it is probably unlikely.
Who knows.
Talked to E again tonight. Things are not going her way. I continue to hope for improvements. Found two MCS trailer for sale ads for her.
I we get thunderstorms in the winter here? No Tstorms in MT; can't remember.
Wonder if there will be school tomorrow. They had a snow day last Monday, I found out. !!!!!!!!!!!!! In November? For hardly any snow? Ha. Crazy town. Least the shops were open. Well, actually I was out on Tues; not sure about Monday. Maybe the snow day was on Tues; I don't think the snow had started until Monday night.
Anyway. Signing off now.
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