Okay, I am trying to focus on writing a short description of today, and it has proven somewhat hard to focus. So here goes. Ha. I just tried to write two newsletter topics for my ghost writing job. Good, yes, but wish I could have gotten more done. A little bit low on energy tonight. Had a great weekend though.
Rob and Nate picked me up at 1:30 to go to Wolfe's neck to hike. man but I feel guilty cus I was pretty late getting ready. Ha. I said it;d be 2 min I obsessed over what clothes to wear for half an hr. Not having been in Nate's car in 7 mos I wasn't sure if well how fragrant it would be and didnt want to weaer good clothes if it was and so on. Whatever. Got otu eventually.
Wolfe's Neck was so beautiful. We hiked alonga trail by the water. I was also worried because I got new shoes yesterday. Big step big deal for me. I was quite worried if I would be able to walk in them comfortably or not but luckily it went well - I hardly noticed them - they werent 100% completely comfortable but they were pretty good. So that was good. Between worrying about Nate's car, the shoes, and the fact that I didnt know what we were doing,. the weather etc I was a bundle of nerves at first. Had a little agitation to start but was ok.
And we did have fun. Trail goes by ocean; hiked for an hour; saw sun set over ocean on way back; enjoyed the freshly fallen snow. First snow of the season! Luckily wasn't too deep. Took some pics with Nate's camera phone.
I even remembered the way to get back, if we had gone the way Nate wanted we would have been walking a long time, ha.
The house was on our way back to Portland so stopped in to use the bathroom on the way back. No Whole Foods bathroom, hoorway. I suppose I will have to sometime but man I hate public bathrooms. Worry about that another week. If we do Bradbury that is also in Freeport so the house would be on the way. Don't know if Nate will want to do someting next weekend or not. Stop thinking. Ha.
Okay so then we went to Portland and walked down Commercial St tothe ferry terminal to see the ocean. Man it was beautiful. That is our spot so to speak - the place we always go - Nate showed me it. I stood there before I went to Oregon ponderng hwat the other coast would be like and I stood there with my 2 friends once aghain when Iretuened home.
It felt so good to be out in the fresh air, walking. Walking with my friends. Rob made me laugh. It feels so good to be in joint conversation with 2 people, so comfortable, so familiar, so wrapped in a warm cocoon. Love it. Somtimes hard to get good convo going but good when it happens. Talked about what states we had been to as we walked along Commercial. Nate and Rob have been to more but I have lived in more as far I as know.
They both lked the rice crackers, will have to give them more some time. I am addicted to them.
Went to Whole Foods for dinner. They had steak and onions/peppers again in prepared foods section so I got that. Yum. Then I realized not till later Gosh! Should have looked ! Oh well - that they had GARLIC BRISKET which is to die for . They only had spiced before but today they had garlic. Oh my freaking God it tasted to die for. The meat guy cut it to the EXACT right thickness, length, style, all uniform dangle in your mouth to die for pieces. All I said was between thin and medium and he got it right. Normally dont like theguy he has a smirk on his face and is uncommunciative but he can cut meat.
So gave Rob the spiced brisket I had left cus I didnt want it and Nate the hummus I had that I didnt want. I want him to try the garlic hummus though. That stuff is really, really good. I'll have him try it next time. I want to do the cracker, roast beef and hummus sandwhich for him and Rob. next time at whole foods we can. I hope thehummus I gave him was still ok it said dec 16 tho. I didnt like the taste but he might.
Anyway focus. So. Got some meat. Lots of meat. To be honest I over did it a bit. Okay a lot. Whole Foods is really hard to stay in budget in. There is just too much good food and it's all expensive. Ha. What else is new? I got a lot of crackers, more hummus than was probably necessary, and more meat than was probably necessary, but I will refine my process. It's only the second week right?
I have all this food in my fridge because I can only shop once a week and was afraid of running out. I am sure in a week's time I will eat it but in the meantime it's hard having so much food in my fridge - because I just have this compulsion to eat it all rigut now and yet it has to last me a week. That's going to take some time to figure out how to manage better I think. But damn I should try to enjoy having so much good food in the fridge.
In NY i only shopped once a week for most things BUT, but, I had the deli I could call and have deliver roast beef whenever I wanted, and could get as much crackers and hummus as I wanted. So I only bought what I needed because if I ran out , I could get almost anything I needed at either the health food store or deli. They didnt have what a grocery did but had most. So, here I can't get anything if I run out, so hence the compuslsion to try to buy a week's worth. And the roast beef won't stay good long - I got so used to having it 3x a week or so in NY that I don't want to give it up here, but you can't put a pound of RB in the fridge and expect it to last all week. So I don't quite knowwhat to do about that. Maybe get 1/2 lb and have ir the first few days. I don't know if it can be frozen . Also, the RB at WF is DAMN expensive. I really shouldn't be buying that much. I mean it's like $13 a lb. It was 10 in NY. That's getting a bit up there.
And I bought too many bananas last week and not enough this week. I only have like 10 or so left and that's enough only for 5 days. I have to get a prescription at Hannaford though so maybe can get some more there then.
But whatever. I will figure it out. Yeah, somehow. Man, the garlic hummus from Jorgo's is plain out of this world, you would not freaking believe how amazing it tastes. I am going to get spoiled from all this good food but it makes me happy and a person needs something to hold on to, right?
The Good Neighbors hummus they have here is quite good. They don't have Tribe organic but the GN red pepper is as good orbetter. Only natural , doesnt taste as good, got it anyway, not sure why, well cus it was big container, thoughti itd last.
Anyway stop rambling . It felt good to be among friends. And nature. Friends, nature, and good food: three of the few things left I can still enjoy with MCS, and I got all three today. Being in nature is good for the soul, and being among friends is a balm to the soul. I hope I can remember this day and look forward to it hapening ahain, I hope I can use it to get through all the difficult things that surely will come and are presernt at moment.
I hope I can figure out how to better take care of myself. Doctors and so on. Damn it all. Frustrating. Need to get courage. Take action.ETc.
Getting new shoes was good for me. Showed I can accomplish things I tyhoiught not possible.
Wantd to write this eartliet. Not much energy for typing. Rationing it . Frustrated I didnt write morer but I got 2 done. Emails left. Break after. So many .... I need to be strong in face of challenges.
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